In connection with the registration, a one-time registration fee will be charged to each new member. In addition to this, members are also charged a recycling fee. The Board of Akkukierrätys Pb Oy determines the level of the recycling fee twice a year.
In 2023 the recycling fee is € 1.0/tonne (+ VAT). The minimum recycling fee is 100 € (+ VAT).
In 2024 the minimum recycling fee is:
Import of lead batteries is less than 1 tonne in a year = 130 € (+ VAT)
Import of lead batteries is 1-10 tonne batteries in a year = 160 € (+ VAT)
Import of lead batteries is over 10-100 tonne batteries in a year = 190 € (+ VAT)
Import of lead batteries is over 100-1000 tonne batteries in a year = 220 € (+ VAT)
Import of lead batteries is over 1000 tonne batteries in a year = 450 € (+ VAT)
Invoicing is based on the amount of batteries imported in the previous year.
There are no other recycling fees.
If you import other than lead-acid batteries batteries, you can report them to the same reporting system as lead-acid batteries, if you are also a member of Recser (Paristokierrätys). You can get more information about membership by contacting Akkukierrätys. Recser price list (Paristokierrätys) shows the recycling fees for all the batteries.
The recycling fee is charged by the tonne for all vehicle and industrial lead batteries put on the market. ‘Lead batteries put on the market’ refers to new batteries imported, lead batteries imported in new vehicles and equipment, as well as lead batteries imported in used vehicles and equipment, meaning all batteries that will end up being recycled in Finland at some point.