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There is a nation-wide collection network for lead-acid batteries available. The batteries can be taken to its collection points free of charge. The batteries’ path from the collection points to recycling is managed by the partners of Akkukierrätys Pb Oy. If you are selling batteries or you need to arrange a pick-up for waste batteries, please contact our partners in charge of battery waste management directly.

Romukeskus Oy

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Kuusakoski Recycling Oy

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Fortum Waste Solutions

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Fortum Waste Recycling

Material Nexus Finland Oy Suomen Materiaalikeskus

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Material Nexus Oy Suomen materiaalikeskus

Stena Recycling Oy

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Stena Recycling

Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj

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L & T

Romu Keinänen Oy

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Romu Keinänen Oy

Suomen Akkukeräys Oy

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Suomen Akkukeräys

Kajaanin Romu Oy

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Kajaanin Romu

Eurajoki Group

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Eurajoki Group

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